Red Light Therapy

Red Light Therapy in Phoenix, AZ

What is Red light Therapy (RLT)?

Red Light Therapy is a treatment that uses low wavelength red light to improve skin’s appearance and regeneration. Therefore, reducing wrinkles, scars and acne. It is a common treatment among celebrities to improve collagen production and appearance of the face and neck for optimal esthetics and to maintain looking youthful.

RLT emerged from NASA’s research for plant growth and wound healing in astronauts while deployed in space. Other benefits and potential uses were then investigated and developed.  Medically, red light therapy is widely accepted and used in treatment of skin cancer, and other skin conditions. The red light activates the cells to generate more energy and work efficiently to repair itself. In skin cells as an example, it stimulates collagen production, generates new blood vessels for better blood circulation and reduces inflammation in the cells.

What benefits is red light therapy used for?

  • Improved wound healing.
  • Reduce visibility of stretch marks.
  • Reduce wrinkles and age spots
  • Improve facial texture
  • Improve collagen production.
  • Improve symptoms of psoriasis or eczema.
  • Reduce visibility of scars
  • Reduce sun damage.
  • Reduce acne
  • Jaw pain (temporomandibular dysfunction TMD)

Is red light therapy safe to use?

Though some research exists, more studies are needed to show the full potential of RLT.  Similarly to any other medical treatments, it is considered safe treatment when used as directed. It does not expose the skin to any harmful UV lights like from the sun or tanning booths.

What other conditions can RLT be used for?

  • Reduce inflammation due to arthritis,
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Tendonitis.
  • Hair loss for androgenic alopecia or hair loss from age.
  • Many athletes and bodybuilders use full body RLT for muscle recovery and soreness.

What else to know?

RLT is not covered by insurance.

RLT is not a one time treatment for most skin conditions. It’s recommend  to be seen as frequent as 2-3x per week for a few weeks depending on the severity of the condition. It can add up time and out of pocket costs to patients.

Similar to medical treatments, there are no guarantees to the outcome of the treatments. Everyone’s skin is different and results can vary. RLT is a new technology and developing type of therapy for many skin conditions. More research is needed for potential outcomes. Currently, RLT is considered safe and effective in treating the conditions listed above so if you have any concerns, please discuss with your healthcare provider before starting treatment.  At Dental Therapy in Phoenix, RLT will be used to boost cell healing after microneedling treatments with PRF for skin and hair, post surgeries and for TMDs (jaw joint discomfort).

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